Chartered Oct 1, 1997, President Marsha Wallace. Other charter members were
Maryanne Chalker Ellen Hayworth Ann and Gordon Lindeen Tim and Laura McLaughlin Joyce Morrissey Lucia Su Anne Sylvester The first Homestay was for a young lady from Japan, studying in the United States, who wanted to experience the Thanksgiving weekend in a home. 1998 - Hosted a Russian couple. 1998 - Adopted our sister Chapter in Sochi, Russia. 1998 - Held an International Potluck Friendship Dinner with the Friendship Force. Over 50 people attended. 1999 – Marsha, Marlene and Lucia and two others attended the European conference in Berlin, followed by homestays in Lucerne and Interlaken, Switzerland. Sponsored an Artistic Ambassador from Sochi, Russia, Yuri Kuznetsov, and his interpreter. He held painting demonstrations and exhibited his work at California State University Northridge. 2000 - We sponsored the 2000 Joint Meeting of the West Coast and Southwest Councils at the Sportsmen's Lodge in Studio City on Saturday, April 8. Over 40 attended including national President Mary Eisenhower. Hosted 8 young people from Interlaken, Switzerland. Three members attended the European Conference in Lucerne, Switzerland. Hosted a young couple from Ravenna, Italy. 2001 - Met a PTPI traveler at LAX and helped her to make her connection to fly to Hong Kong. Sponsored the attendance of the president of our partner chapter in Sochi at the European Conference in Angouleme, France. Hosted six young ladies from Hong Kong. Hosted two Hungarians. Hosted a member of PTPI Lucerne on her way home from New Zealand. Hosted two groups, totaling seven visitors, from Roman, Romania. Unable to fly home after 9/11, they returned to LA until they could secure a flight. In 2002, Joan and John returned the visit. 2002 - Hosted a Counselor from the Hungarian embassy in Washington DC and his family. President Marsha attended the European Conference in Stockholm. Two members attended the Regional Conuncil Meeting in Stockton CA. Hosted a young man from Estonia. 2003 - Three members attended the European Conference in Romania. Three members attended the Regional Conference in San Diego. Hosted 17 Italian youths from the area of Milan, recruited for us by Valeria Magistrelli. They stayed in 12 homes. Hosting such a large group required enlisting new members, some of whom remained active for a long period thereafter. |
Programs by Year
PTPI encourages participation in a wide variety of programs that advance Peace through Understanding. Local chapters, such as PTPI LA, are made up of volunteers in communities worldwide who support these PTPI programs and participate in unique activities locally while reaching out at the international level.